Weapons and explosives were found in the appurtenances of a farmer's farm in the Torralba area during an operation by the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Bonorva Company, of the Torralba Station and with the support of the Helicopter Hunters Squadron. Sardinia.

The man was arrested and taken to the Bancali prison.

During the search, a rifle cal. 12 with abraded serial number and explosive material of the quarry gelatin type weighing a total of about 1.5 kg, together with 10 meters of fuses and 6 detonators, all illegally detained.

The explosive, explain the military, was already packaged and ready for use with a very high offensive potential due to the quantity and type.

To evaluate the execution of technical investigations to understand if there are links with other criminal events.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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