In certain circles it was enough to be seen with Nicolò Cossu or to flaunt one's friendship with him to have an edge. Attitudes which, according to the investigators, demonstrate "the intimidating power of the criminal group" . The head of pain therapy at the Marino hospital, Tomaso Cocco , would have demonstrated this on several occasions.

It is he who suggests to the surgeon Giovanni Gusai (about to take on the role of head physician at the Lanusei hospital) to warn Nicolò Cossu. «When you are sure to go there, tell Nicolò. The environment there is tough, but when they know that you are their friend, there is no one better than you... That's how it works."

Some time later, other elements emerged from a conversation between Cocco and an anesthetist from Lanusei, Giacinto Staffa: there was talk of the change in attitude of a colleague with whom Cocco had had a disagreement. «Now he's being nice because he's scared, understand? You have to unlock these people through friendships, knowing who you know and who you don't know." And Staffa: «Exactly... you have to tell them with a message that they don't understand, but which makes them think». Cocco: « Yes, well done... A mafia style... Mafia style, like I do ». Furthermore, as emerges from the order, the head physician insists on the strength of the group in a chat with Gusai. «The truth is that we are a nice little group... A mixed environment, you go from the councillor, you go from the councillor ».

The "snacks", defined by the investigating judge as " a privileged opportunity to broaden the institutional network and above all to discuss, in conditions of absolute confidentiality, the action objectives and strategies of the group ", were attended by many people of various origins.

Everyone knew the importance of such moments. And the topics covered, as the doctor Tomaso Cocco said to the former councilor Gabriella Murgia, in an intercepted phone call, were important for getting to know "people of substance".

The investigators documented the presence of different types of characters (some who ended up on the list of suspects, others unrelated to the accusations): hospital heads, lawyers, writers, representatives of institutions, regional councilors, employees in various offices (including in the Palace of Justice), university professors, security guards and even a friar , as confirmed in at least two "snacks".


Today the judge's interrogations of the 31 arrested continue: it is the turn of Alessandro Arca, Vincenzo Deidda, Giovanni Mercurio, Antonio Giuseppe Mesina, Tomaso Cocco and the alleged gang leaders Nicolò Cossu and Tonino Crissantu .

Granted, many defenders will advise their clients not to answer the questions before having read all 407 pages of the order . The other 18 who ended up under house arrest will be questioned on Monday and Wednesday.

All the details in the articles by Valeria Pinna and Matteo Vercelli on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands and in the digital edition

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