Confirmed the sentence to 25 years in prison for Giovanni Sanna, defendant in the ter trial for the kidnapping of Titti Pinna.

The sentence was issued by the Sassari court of appeal presided over by Salvatore Marinaro after three and a half hours in closed session following the replies of the attorney general Maria Gabriella Pintus and the defense lawyer Desolina Farris.

Sanna, 56, was convicted in the first instance in 2021 for the kidnapping of Bonorva entrepreneur Giovanni Battista Pinna , known as Titti, taken on November 19, 2006 in Monti Frusciu, on the outskirts of the town, and freed himself on May 28, 2007 near Sedilo.

The appeal hearings re-proposed the evidence already examined in the first proceeding, starting from the telephone interceptions up to the alibi, all considered by the prosecutor to be "serious, precise and concordant" against Giovanni Sanna.

While for the defence, the first aspect, relating to the telephone maps that embraced Macomer and Bonorva, would not have given certainties on the presence of the accused in the areas where the kidnapping and its preparation had taken place. The attribution of some phone calls to his client was also contested by the lawyer.

The reasons will be filed in 90 days, while the lawyer has already announced an appeal to the Cassation.

Salvatore Azzas to 30 years, Giovanni Maria Manca to 28 and Antonio Faedda to 25 had already been sentenced for the kidnapping affair.

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