Thousands of workers from all over the island this morning poured into Piazza del Carmine in Cagliari for the general strike called by the national CGIL (without CISL and UIL) against the maneuver by the government led by Giorgia Meloni.

On stage, trade union leaders to talk about topics from transport to health, via school, the world of culture and public services.

«It is a beautiful square - says the general secretary Fausto Durante - there was a compact and decisive response from the workers of Sardinia, who understood the reasons for the strike. We would have preferred to be in the streets with the other union organizations - he clarified - but since we have broadly convergent ideas on the manoeuvre, it will be possible to start the unitary process again after today".

«Strong, well-founded and merit-based reasons - adds the confederal secretary Christian Ferrari -: from the taxman to pensions, from purchasing power to the wage emergency and precariousness, are a set of issues to which this maneuver not only does not give answers , but gives answers that go in the opposite direction, we don't like this starter and that direction is not the right one».

Also in the square were the opposition regional councilors Francesco Agus, Eugenio Lai and Michele Ciusa , together with the deputy of Avs, Francesca Ghirra : «I thank the CGIL for having organized the strike - commented the parliamentarian - I fully agree with the manifesto, the maneuver of the government is aimed at favoring those who are already privileged, to the detriment of those who have difficulty managing everyday life".


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