Two young people were acquitted of gang sexual assault this morning in court in Sassari. It is the panel chaired by Monia Adami, alongside Valentina Nuvoli and Paolo Bulla, that decreed the sentence in the Assize Court for the two, aged 22 and 25, who according to the accusations had raped their lifelong friend, a twenty-year-old, in night between 9 and 10 September 2021 in a house in the historic center of Sassari.

An act carried out despite the girl's dissent and, according to the Prosecutor's Office, taking advantage of the precariousness of her psychophysical conditions due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Prosecutor Angelo Beccu, at the end of the discussion, in the last hearing, had asked for 8 years of prison for both.

The youngest, however, was sentenced to one year and 6 months, having confessed to the crime of possession for the purpose of drug dealing, because he was found in possession of 1 kilo and 340 grams of marijuana. The lawyer Marco Palmieri defended the two defendants, while the plaintiff's lawyer was Laura Secchi.

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