Alessandro F., the 46-year-old found lying on the ground in the former bus depot , in via XXV Aprile in Sassari, would have died of natural causes. From a first external examination carried out on the body, from the analysis of the clothes and objects found on the man, no signs of violence or traces of drugs were found.

It will be the medical examiner's report to provide further clarification on the cause of death.

The 46-year-old was probably in the company of two men, both identified, the same ones who then reported the discovery to the police. Firefighters intervened on the spot and used wire cutters to open the gate and access the structure in front of the train station. A patrol from the State Police steering wheel had also intervened.

Inside the building, frequented by destitute homeless people, you could enter through the windows, the access route used by the homeless to seek shelter in the night. The body, as soon as it was found, had been transferred to the Forensic Pathology Institute of Sassari at the disposal of the judicial authorities.

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