The Sardinian wind in exchange for 2,000 euros a year, for three years. For this price, you put in the land and we'll install a 100-metre-high pylon to measure the strength of the mistral wind: in short, this is the proposal put forward by a renewable energy giant to a farmer from Villanovaforru , who decided to talk about it with its mayor, Maurizio Onnis, pro-independence.

The mayor's reaction? "I hope you refuse," he said to his fellow villager. "I hope the earth swallows them up", he thought, addressing those he defines as "speculators", in no uncertain terms.

“He showed me the contract,” says Onnis, who publishes a passage on social media. «I reminded him that the land is his, but the landscape belongs to everyone, it cannot be defaced to the detriment of the community. I tell him he can't give away a common good like the wind. I ask him if he needs the money. He answers no. And then I ask him, again, why he has to become the slave of these people. What taste do you find in it?». The mayor knows that the anemometers arrive first, then the shovels: "If the former are 100 meters high, the latter could be double that".

And the one told is not an isolated case: « I know that other land owners have been contacted. Only he told me. And that's already something."

The mayor hopes "they will refuse the others who have been asked to sign. I promise that, to those who accept, we will put a spanner in the works in any way. As for the speculators, I hope that the earth will swallow them up now, freeing us from their greed."

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