Much more than a saga, almost a curse. A real judicial mystery, complete with resignations of office consultants, conflicts of interest and revocation of appointments. The civil section of the Court of Cagliari with the criminal one shares, for the moment, only those imposing entrance columns of the most important Palace of Justice on the island. Yet, among those files nailed to history by the General Register there is one that for nine years has not been able to write the final word, or rather, has not even managed to take its first steps.

He is not Mr. Nobody

Not just any cause, not a judicial proceeding against a nobody, but if anything, one of the most controversial cases of that land of Sardinia which has always silently confronted big industry, heavy industry, which pollutes and produces, which creates jobs. and environmental devastation. This would be enough to explain Case 2012/6722, a general judicial protocol that indelibly marks the year in which the file was opened.

Oil God

On the one hand, a poor farmer from Sarroch on the other, the colossus of the oil god. The first is Carlo Romanino (in the photo), an unfortunate greenhouse grower on the edge of the most important refinery in southern Europe, the second, however, is Saras, now Sarlux, a hellish machine for transforming black gold into lifeblood for cars and others. alone. The clash is titanic, never fully consummated, for reasons beyond the control of justice itself. There are two incontrovertible facts about this story of poisons and accusations: in the countryside of Sarroch, in the middle of the agricultural area, there are the greenhouses of Carlo Romanino, a few hundred meters away is the refinery.

Tomatoes and pollution

The farmer, in 2012, sees his greenhouses falling apart. Corroded by invasive yellow dust. Continuing to produce tomatoes without full awareness of what is happening in there is irresponsible. And, in fact, agricultural production stops. The planting of horticultural crops is still in plain sight inside those glass houses that now house only abandonment and sadness. When he shows them in favor of experts and cameras, his eyes still burn at the thought that his father's sacrifices have melted again for no reason. He decides to go to the bottom of that crumbling as anomalous as it is disturbing. He turns to an analysis laboratory on the other side of the Tyrrhenian Sea, just to seek a minimum of independence from the surrounding giants. Analyzes confirm what was more than a suspect. He relies on a lawyer and transmits everything to the ordinary Court of Cagliari.

Reckless quarrel

Saras is not there and denounces him in turn for a "reckless quarrel". This is where a real saga of experts called by the judges begins to evaluate the reasons for what was happening in Porto Foxi, 400 meters from the oil fence.


The first expert indicated by the Court, Bruno Cau, does not even go up the stairs of Piazza Repubblica, reads the contenders and resigns without ever having even accepted the position of Ctu, the technical consultant appointed by the judge. It does not go well even with the second, Ignazio Abis, who renounces in full hearing. They try again with an engineer, Nicoletta Mattana, who in May 2015 was appointed by the Court of Cagliari to resolve, technically, the story that contrasts “Davide” with “Goliath”.

The question

The judge's question is as concise as it is clear: "After a description of the places, tell the Ctu if the elements best indicated in the quote are present in the soil and in the waters where the company for which the cause is located, to an extent exceeding the legal threshold" . The phase following that assessment is set out in the same question: «in the affirmative: identify the epoch to which the“ contamination ”dates back; ascertain whether the contamination is attributable to the “more likely than not” activity of the defendant (Saras ed) ». The questions rather than thorns in the side are piercing hammers, the same ones that must be used to probe the ground around the farm. To understand there is the type of pollution and the consequent origin. The expert of the Court seems willing to clarify. The coring points are chosen, the prevailing winds are evaluated, the danger centers and the nature of the contaminant are located. The conclusion of the first phase is put in black and white with a lot of signature at the bottom of the court technician.

There is pollution

There is pollution, laboratory tests say. The first report sent to the Judge writes it without half measures: "the sampling carried out showed the exceeding for some metals of the legal limits imposed by Legislative Decree 152/2006, or of the contamination threshold concentrations in the soil". The conclusion is written: "Following the tests carried out, the soil of the farm is contaminated with vanadium and zinc". The causes remain to be defined. For zinc, the consultant argues: "the exceeding of the contamination threshold concentration is in all likelihood due to a concentration of this metal in the sediments of the pond due to the deterioration of the rainwater gutter in the greenhouses".


For vanadium, on the other hand, there is no escaping: "The overcoming of the contamination is confirmed by what was determined in the study carried out by the Sardinia Region on the industrial site of Sarroch". The technician is not unbalanced on the timing of pollution: "It is not possible to establish the time of contamination except through a study based on empirical data and mathematical models that would take long times and high costs". On the causes of the pollution, the assessment is evasive enough: "It can be assumed that the detected contamination derives from the fallout of atmospheric particulate, transported by the wind, containing the pollutant found used in the production processes". The conclusion is entrusted to caution: "However, it is not possible with absolute certainty to attribute the pollution found to the defendant (Saras ed)". The Judge acknowledges and transmits, as required by law, the pollution data ascertained to the Region, Province and Municipality. Nothing or almost nothing will happen, except that the Consultant immediately after that first phase writes to the Judge and communicates his resignation to the continuation of the assignment, incompatible with his new job.

New gearbox

In February 2019, a new twist, Judge Monica Moi does not want to give up and decides to get to the bottom of the matter. For the new investigations in the field, he gives a technical consultancy assignment to the engineer Battista Grosso.

The turnaround

The technician, heavily opposed by the counterpart up to asking for its revocation, after 22 months, comes to a conclusion: "the surface soil of the company site has concentrations of the contaminants sought below the norms except for vanadium whose limited exceedances are, in all probability, attributable to specific characteristics of the geological formations, at a regional and non-regional scale and in the absence of investigations in the deep soil ». Monica Moi, the judge called to settle a game as imposing as it is untouchable, is not there. On October 25 last he wrote it in an ordinance that has the trappings of rejection: "the contradictory nature of the results reached by the two consultants makes it advisable to renew the ctu subject to the appointment of a board of experts". It is explicit in the decisions.

Revocation and new college

At the first point of the device he orders: «Revoke Eng. Battista Grosso ». For the college of new consultants he decides to go beyond the Tyrrhenian Sea and appoints professors Alessio Ceccarini and Tarita Biver, from the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Pisa. By November 8, it is written in the ordinance, they must accept with a lot of "declaration in which they swear an oath of good and faithfully fulfill the functions entrusted". Not a detail. The saga of technical consultants, however, in the land of Saras is not over yet. The next hearing is already set for next November 19th. At stake is a case of public health and environmental pollution that goes far beyond the dispute between a farmer left without tomatoes and the oil stills of the Moratti family. A titanic clash still to be written.

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