Patrol boats transferred to via dei Calafati to leave more space for pleasure boating: it is one of the key points of the agreement between the Adsp del Mare di Sardegna and the Port Authority to redesign the historic port of Cagliari .

The move will take place when the Porto Canale shipbuilding center is completed by next year. When the shipyards currently located in the Calafati area will be transferred to Macchiareddu with the aim of allocating the entire promenade to tourist and recreational functions .

“Another crucial step in the complex process of redefining the spaces and functions of the historic port of Cagliari - explains Massimo Deiana, president of Adsp -. An act that, once the works of the shipbuilding center at the Port Channel and the subsequent transfer of the shipyards from via dei Calafati have been completed, to allocate the lookouts to a new mooring in a completely redeveloped and infrastructured area, and to return the dock in front of the Harbor Master's Office and the root of Molo Ichnusa for its own tourist and recreational purposes ".

There is full agreement with the Port Authority. “With this protocol - explains the maritime director Mario Valente - we lay the foundations for a more effective and efficient response to emergencies at sea , as the patrol boats will find a better location near the operations center of the Harbor office”.

(Unioneonline / L)

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