The people put under pressure by the investigators who are investigating the murder of Luca Mameli , which took place yesterday before dawn at the Poetto di Quartu Sant'Elena, are two brothers from Quartu.

The 35-year-old from Capoterra was stabbed to death at the end of a dispute between two groups, for trivial reasons. The blow hit him in the chest and the young man, taken to the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari, died shortly after.

The police immediately followed a precise lead reconstructing what happened. The Flying Squad hypothesizes that Mameli was involved in a clash between his group of friends and that of the Quartesi brothers. There is talk of a fight and a girl's scream , perhaps the object of some appreciation.

In the quarrel a knife suddenly came out. The 35-year-old, after being hit, took a few steps staggering and then collapsed to the ground.

Yesterday, all day long, the surveys were carried out on the seafront. The two alleged perpetrators of the crime were taken to the Police Headquarters , their home being searched. Looking for the knife.

Matthew Vercelli

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