The news, false, has been circulating in Capoterra since the early hours of the morning: "Luigi Chiatti has fled from the residence for the execution of the security measures in which he is locked up".

A fake news, therefore, which nonetheless triggered panic and forced the mayor, Beniamino Garau, to deny this rumor by writing a post on his Facebook page: «Following various unfounded reports and pure scaremongering that are triggering general panic among the population, we inform you that Luigi Chiatti, commonly known as the Monster of Foligno, is located at the residence for the execution of security measures (Rems) and no person has left this place".

Furthermore, Garau underlines the dangerousness of this false news: «Alarmisms of this kind can cause serious consequences among citizens: in such contexts, we await the official announcement of any news from the relevant bodies and try not to give rise to bar rumors that they have no foundation whatsoever."

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