There are 11 fires registered today in Sardinia. In three of these, the Forestry Corps used air vehicles as well as ground crews.

One of the emergencies was that which began yesterday in Calangianus , in the locality of “Ea Bona”. From the first light of dawn, the regional air vehicles provided support to the land reclamation operations. From 8 am, two Canadair from Olbia also took part. The shutdown, night surveillance and reclamation were coordinated by the staff of the Calangianus Forestry Corps Station, assisted by the helicopter personnel who arrived at the event aboard the rotary wing vehicles coming from the helicopter bases of Limbara, Anela, Alà dei Sardi, by members of the Forest Station of Tempio and employees of the GAUF group (fire use analysis group) of the territorial service of the CFVA of Tempio. Many members of the other components of the regional fire-fighting system took part in the operations in all phases, alternating. 11 teams from the Forestas Agency of the Tempio, Bitti, Orune, Bultei, Oschiri, Luras, Santa Teresa Gallura, Sant'Antonio di Gallura and Torpè construction sites, two fire brigade teams from Tempio and Olbia and numerous volunteer teams of the associations of Tempio, Arzachena, Palau, Santa Teresa Gallura, Olbia, Trinità D'Agultu. The stake covered an area that can be estimated in about 80 hectares of cork oak.

In the morning, during the reclamation, a specimen of Testudo Marginata was found and saved, a turtle still widespread in Gallura but in danger of extinction and protected by the Washington Convention: the foresters rehydrated it and released it in a safe area.

Flames also in Siliqua , in the locality of “Tanca Romita, with shutdown coordinated by the staff of the Forestry Corps Station of Siliqua, with helicopters coming from the CFVA bases of Marganai and Pula. On site a team from the Forestas Agency of the Iglesias shipyards, the Iglesias Fire Brigade and 4 teams of volunteers from the associations of Siliqua, Villamassargia, and Iglesias.

Another emergency in Norbello , in the Sant'Ignazio area where the fire extinguishing operations were coordinated by the staff of the Forestry Corps of Ghilarza, assisted by the personnel on board the helicopter coming from the CFVA base in Sorgono and by the GAUF employees of the Territorial service of Oristano. Also present were 2 teams from the Forestas Agency from the Abbasanta and Sedilo shipyards, one from the Abbasanta fire brigade and four from the Abbasanta, Norbello, Soddì and Paulilatino barracellari companies.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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