Inaccessible treatments, shortage of staff and endless waiting lists. Public health in Sardinia worries the citizen committees which, from Alghero to Nuoro, have returned to the streets to defend the right to health. There are reportedly 473 missing general practitioners on the island and the hospitals do not boast a rosier situation, especially those in the territories, where for years there has been a migration to other structures. «Only united can we win - said Alessandro Rosas, president of the coordination of the Sardinian public health committees -. We will tour the territories from the north to the south of Sardinia and through the committees we will denounce the serious shortcomings of our healthcare system in defense of public health."

And precisely in the Barbagia capital, the representatives of the coordination, the territorial committee of Nuoro with 20 associated acronyms, municipal administrators and hundreds of citizens demonstrated in front of the San Francesco hospital and raised the issues of the "degradation of the public health system in Sardinia". « We have the highest health expenditure at a national level and the worst parameters in terms of health services - reported Rosa Maria Caliandro of the Nuoro territorial committee -. There was no planning that prevented the shortage of doctors and we are seeing rented doctors paid 1600 euros for a 12-hour shift, a phenomenon that demotivates all the other doctors. Not to mention the procurement of health services to private individuals." «In the hospital districts of Nuoro, which serve a population of 169 thousand people, it is very difficult to get treatment - explained Battistina Foddai of the association La Voce dei Nuoro -. In the San Francesco hospital in Nuoro there is a lack of doctors in the life-saving departments, there is only one ultrasound technician and in the departments there are not even two doctors for each specialty, thus extending the waiting lists indefinitely. It goes without saying that patients are forced to find solutions either in other Sardinian hospitals or outside the island."

«In 30 years Sardinian politicians have destroyed healthcare excellence - accused Renato Pischedda of the Migrants for Health association -. Doctors flee for grueling shifts and healthcare migration has reached the figure of 20 thousand people a year who leave their territories to be guaranteed basic care. In the last six months we have witnessed miraculous electoral promises while our health services are crying: in Italy 1 million people a year are forced to turn to the private sector and what is shameful is that they are directed in this direction by the public health system."

For the committees "there is no time to waste, we need resources and hiring to put an end to the season of cuts and spending caps and put citizens and work at the centre".


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