Dozens of people take to the streets to protest against the absence of a general practitioner . This is the claim put in place this evening by many elderly people from Bacu Abis, a hamlet of Carbonia , who, coordinated by the associations of the country, poured into Piazza Santa Barbara to claim the right to receive the services of the general practitioner who is missing from almost a month .

In fact, one is on sick leave, while the other has seen her contract expire without the Sulcis ASL being able to renew it.

Suddenly Bacu Abis, almost two thousand inhabitants, many of whom are elderly , is without a doctor.

Days ago the first protest exploded, with the ASL switchboard overwhelmed with phone calls . Tonight, however, the residents have decided to put their needs in the square with a peaceful sit-in but determined to get the health authority to designate at least one new family doctor shortly. If not, the Bacuabeans have to move out of the country.

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