“The internal areas can become a laboratory of ideas, a living resource, an extraordinary treasure for all of Sardinia”. These are the words used by the Church, expressed through the Bishops, in reference to the problem of depopulation of the internal areas of the Island. The clergy is therefore on the front line, alongside politics and civil society, in the face of a problem that is increasingly manifesting itself in all its gravity.

To commemorate the tenth anniversary of Pope Francis' pilgrimage to Sardinia and to the sanctuary of Our Lady of Bonaria, the parish of Santa Vittoria proposed to the archbishop, Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi, a conference on the theme "Internal areas: where life does not want to die . The commitment of the Christian community, civil society and politics" to be held in Seuni (fraction of Selegas) on Saturday 30 September 2023, starting at 9. The Municipality of Selegas has therefore granted the patronage.

«The issue of depopulation also requires particular attention from the Church towards internal areas. We do not resign ourselves to accompanying them towards the end, in a sort of therapeutic fury - the bishops recently wrote - but we want to constitute ourselves as a bulwark, a force to defend them, giving life to solidarity networks capable of activating synergies. In any case - the bishops write again - we are asked to have the courage to leave behind old-fashioned patterns, to rethink the relationship between tradition and innovation, to be willing to listen to the voice of the Spirit, to restore the effective primacy to the Word of God and to the proclamation of the Gospel, also to better integrate a pastoral approach that is often unbalanced in the liturgical cultural sphere".

This is the program of the conference, which will be held in the parish of Santa Vittoria in Seuni: greetings from Don Gianni Zuncheddu (spiritual assistant of the Seuni Parish) and Alessio Piras (mayor of Selegas), introductory report from Monsignor Giuseppe Baturi (archbishop of Cagliari and Secretary general Cei), speeches by Paola Casula (mayor of Guasila and president of the Union of Municipalities of Trexenta), Terenzio Schirru (mayor of Gesico), Alberto Farina (General Secretary of Fnp Cagliari), Don Nicola Ruggeri (parish priest of Senorbì), Cristiano Erriu (General Secretary of CIAA of Cagliari), Antonello Giuntini (Sardinia Foundation), Maria Anna Camedda (Mayor of Baradili), Umberto Oppus (Mayor of Mandas), Sergio Zuncheddu (publisher of L'Unione Sarda).

Monsignor Corrado Melis, bishop of Ozieri, will speak at the end. Franco Siddi, National President of Radio and Television Publishers, coordinates the interventions.

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