The data on the Blue Tongue in the Oristano area, which is in a phase of regression, is positive.

Over two thousand sheep have died and over four thousand have contracted the disease. 123 farms were affected by the spread of the blue tongue virus, which, at the moment, has not developed the disease in any cattle. This is the latest balance sheet for the second part of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 in the territory under the jurisdiction of ASL 5 of Oristano.

«Fortunately, the virus is now in a phase of regression, a condition also facilitated by the climatic conditions of recent weeks and by other ecological factors, which limit the activity of the virus vectors represented by midges of the culicoides genus», says Enrico Vacca, director of the Animal Health Service of ASL 5.

THE DATA - There are 123 farms in the province where blue tongue outbreaks have been found. So far there have been 4,129 sick sheep and 2,163 dead animals. 4 farms, where the cattle were infected but did not get sick, yet they were a viral reservoir for the further spread of blue tongue.

The municipalities affected by the presence of the virus are Arborea, Bauladu, Cabras, Cuglieri, Gonnostramatza, Marrubiu, Masullas, Milis, Mogoro, Narbolia, Nurachi, Ollastra, Oristano, Riola Sardo, San Nicolò d'Arcidano, San Vero Milis, Sedilo, Seneghe , Siapiccia, Simaxis, Solarussa, Terralba, Tramatza, Tresnuraghes, Uras, Zeddiani and Zerfaliu.

SEROTYPE 8 - «The numbers of infections are however limited compared to previous epidemics - adds Vacca – only on the Sedilo farm was the presence of the already known seriotype 4 found, while in all the other farms the serotype 8, detected for the first time in Sardinia, but also in Italy, on a farm in San Vero Milis, which has found fertile ground in animals not yet immunized against this type of virus and therefore particularly susceptible to the disease. In the case of serotype 4 on the Sedilo farm, the animal population was largely immune following previous contact with the virus in previous years and following the vaccination prophylaxis campaign carried out by ASL 5". «As has already happened in other years – concludes the director -, it is to be expected that the Region will also involve the Animal Health Service of ASL 5 in the compensation procedure for farmers who have suffered damage due to this health emergency».


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