The 59-year-old from Marrubiu who stabbed his rival in Piazza Cattedrale in Terralba on Tuesday has been reported for attempted murder.

The victim, a 44-year-old originally from Guspini but resident in Terralba, was kept under observation in hospital, the injuries reported seem rather minor and superficial and the conditions do not seem to particularly worry the doctors.

According to what was reconstructed by the police, the 59-year-old approached his rival for clarification which, from what emerged during the investigations, was linked to family and sentimental affairs.

The argument between the two soon got heated, loud words flew and suddenly a switchblade popped out: the 59-year-old hit his rival twice, in the abdomen and in the throat. Then he quickly walked away, losing track of himself.

Rescue was immediate, with the 44-year-old taken to the San Martino emergency room for further checks.

The police tracked down the attacker, who was then charged with attempted murder.

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