The march of March 8 in Tempio Pausania stops in front of the Court, where the trial is underway for the gang rape of a young tourist, which took place on the Costa Smeralda, in which Ciro Grillo and three Genoese friends are accused: Francesco Corsiglia , Vittorio Lauria and Edoardo Capitta.

"We are here to give our solidarity to this girl, who has become the emblem of all the girls and all the women who have the courage to report", announced Patrizia Desole into the megaphone. of the Prospettiva Donna association, in front of the courthouse. At a distance, however, because until the end of the hearing the authorizations to get closer had not been granted.

«With the demonstration on 8 March in Tempio», added Paola Columbano (Not one less), «we wanted to bring our message to the center of northern Sardinia, because there are not only big cities, but also to demonstrate our solidarity to the victim of violence."

Tempio's choice is therefore not random, we read in a note issued by the associations that organized the demonstration, "but is given by the desire to address the issue of secondary victimization that occurs in courts and institutions". The girl who reported, continues the document, «was subjected to a witness examination, which the media wrote about extensively, in which the blaming of the victim goes beyond the principle of the presumption of innocence and re-victimizes the woman who reports, who suffers further psychological and media violence. Unfortunately, in fact, we are still witnessing the normalization of violence against women by institutions."

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