The characters are gigantic and allow a really easy reading: in fact, in addition to the blind, the Sulcis interurban library system reveals itself   sensitive also to the problems of the visually impaired, thanks to the project “Read easy: Read all”. Following agreements with the non-profit Italian Library for the visually impaired, the SBIS of Carbonia (which includes 18 libraries in the Sulcis) was donated 1000 books in large characters, often large, and therefore highly readable. "This facilitates - underlines the referent Anna Paola Peddis - the approach to reading not only for the visually impaired, but also for those who have various difficulties: typefaces, anti-reflective paper, spaces, interlines and margins all meet this need" .

At the Centro Sistema library in Carbonia it is also possible to use specific equipment for the blind, such as the speech synthesizer, the keyboard and the Braille printer. The libraries involved are those of Carbonia, Calasetta, Carloforte, Domusnovas, Giba, Gonnesa, Masainas, Perdaxius, Piscinas, Portoscuso, San Giovanni Suergiu, Santadi, Sant 'Anna Arresi, Sant'Antioco, Teulada, Tratalias, Villamassargia, Villaperuccio, and the humanitarian society.

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