Boom in access to the Busfinder app, where citizens, thanks to "CagliarinBus" can purchase an annual season ticket to the Ctm for 30.30 euros, even for 13.50 for those over 65 . More than 7 thousand requests in the first day .

The initiative that cuts costs by 90% is from the municipality of Cagliari, also reserved for non-residents and financed with Pon Metro 2014-2020 React-Eu funds.

«A success beyond expectations - comments the mayor Paolo Truzzu -, in order not to leave anyone behind, first of all the over 65s who are not familiar with technology, I asked the company to open a dedicated counter. From Monday morning at the Ctm point in Cagliari, a desk dedicated to the over 65s will be operational where Ctm staff will explain how to download, update and make the request on the app. Furthermore, the telephone call center 800078870 is already active».

And given the boom in requests, adds the mayor, «I will try to find additional funds, I would like that taking the means can become a sustainable, social and environmental habit . A little more patience and we will have the Cagliari I want: beautiful, green, with less traffic and on a human scale ».

The Ctm for its part explains that buying the discounted season ticket is very simple : «There are operating instructions on the app, on our institutional channels and on social networks. You need to download the Busfinder app with the update, select "CagliarinBus Request" from the menu, fill in the form, attach an identity document and tax code. An email will be sent within 5 working days with the purchase confirmation ».


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