The 15-year-old injured with a stab in the neck by a 14-year-old companion outside the Sergio Atzeni institute in Capoterra is officially out of danger. The doctors have resolved the prognosis and have already transferred him to the Cardiac Surgery department of the Brotzu hospital.

His condition is improving. The teenager spent a peaceful night, as we learn from his family's lawyer, Patrizio Rovelli.

The same family also wanted to send a "moving and special thanks" to the Cardiology doctors at the Brotzu hospital who saved his life by stopping a hemorrhage that could have been lethal. "Great gratitude for the timely and courageous intervention" also goes to the teacher who provided first aid to the boy immediately after he was injured.

THE HEARING – In the meantime , the validation hearing for the attacker, defended by the lawyer Piergiorgio Piroddi and accused of attempted murder, is underway at the juvenile court of Cagliari .

The boy should have given his version of events and talked above all about the possible motive. Together with the lawyer at the Cagliari Juvenile Court this morning, his parents also arrived.

THE LETTER FROM THE GUARANTOR – «To stem the phenomenon of violence in schools, the Government's proposals are weak and insufficient». This is supported by the Guarantor in Sardinia for childhood and adolescence, Carla Puligheddu, taking inspiration from the case of Capoterra. Puligheddu sent a letter to the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara inviting him to intervene immediately to implement all those prevention measures to reform the school system that can no longer be postponed.

«It is only by chance - writes the Guarantor - that the sad and violent episode that occurred in Sardinia outside the school did not happen inside it. The knife was in fact kept inside the minor's backpack."

If the young man had used it inside the building for the Guarantor there would have been an "epilogue that would have triggered an infinite train of impossible responsibilities on the part of the respective class teachers". For Carla Puligheddu, the conduct vote (already foreseen), does not represent the antidote to violence but can, rather, take on the dimension of challenge. In the letter to the minister, the Guarantor underlines that it would be necessary to "institutionalize the psychosocial support teacher in all classes".


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