Twenty-five million euros to the airlines for the activation of new routes : the House has given the green light to the amendment to the associate of Michele Ennas (Lega) which incorporates a bill by the Councilor for Transport Antonio Moro .

The approval comes on the eve of the transfer of Moro himself and the president of the Solinas Region to Brussels for the meeting at 2.30 pm with the Transport Commissioner with the territorial continuity dossier on the agenda.

" We expect an important response from the companies that have an increasing need, for the opening of new routes, to reduce the costs of accessing airport facilities", explained Moro after the Council's approval, "the reduction up to at 50% of the costs for the companies is an important incentive that can help Sardinia build a new network of effective connections with the island's need to connect and the Sardinians' right to mobility at the center».

In Brussels, added Moro, "we are going to represent the critical issues of the current continuity system linked to an underestimation of the traffic of residents which has led to an insufficient number of flights , as is certified by the over 500 additional flights put on the runway from 17 February to August 30". The other critical issue concerns the tariff: "It is inconceivable that we have passed from a single tariff to a free one in the full availability of the pricing policies of the companies that do not hesitate to speculate at particular times of the year such as the summer".

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