Green light for the reclamation of the former Eden Beach hotel, released from seizure by the Noe carabinieri at the disposal of the Sassari prosecutor's office.

Built on the Sorso coast at the end of the 1970s, the abandoned structure was subjected to seizure on 8 February due to the critical conditions of the imposing building, looted and with unsafe walls, reduced to a landfill . The military removed the seals to allow the owners, the Lauwers family, to carry out an inspection necessary to understand how to intervene by cleaning and making the eco-monster safe.

Vandalized and never used , the building was to be used as a hotel, a structure of 7,200 cubic meters that was never completed . An unfinished one that has been vandalized over the years and has become a place of refuge for vagabonds. Now a new fence will be placed to prohibit access and allow the owners to start a recovery and waste cleaning plan . The intervention of the carabinieri is part of the maxi operation "Sardegna Bella" , an investigative project against eco-monsters, abandoned and unfinished structures present on the entire coast of Northern Sardinia, a plan conceived by the Noe of Sassari and approved by the command of Rome and by the Ministry of the Environment.

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