The snow sends haywire several areas of Sardinia, where there are serious inconveniences, especially on the roads.

The major problems in the Province of Nuoro and in Ogliastra . On the SS 389 Nuoro-Lanusei a truck, due to the road surface made slippery by the snow, went sideways at kilometer 43.

Two passengers of the vehicle were slightly injured, on the spot the carabinieri, the Anas, the firefighters and the 118 rescuers.

A similar incident was reported at the north exit of Macomer, where two fire brigade teams from Macomer and Oristano operate. On the 131, a car overturned and was recovered from a vehicle of the 115.

Snow fell abundantly in various centers, from Fonni to Tonara and Desulo, from Villagrande to Perdasdefogu, from Gavoi and Ollolai to Nuoro city. White flakes also in other towns of the Barbagia di Seulo, while in Esterzili a real snowstorm caused great inconvenience to traffic on the country roads and on the provincial road 114.

"The roads are not very accessible and the mayor has decided to close the schools for today as a precaution," explains the deputy mayor of Esterzili Matteo Boi. Schools also closed in Lanusei.

Strong slowdowns on the slip road that from the 131 DCN leads to the entrance of Nuoro.

Statale 295 “Di Aritzo”, in Tonara, between km 0 and 15, is also provisionally closed in both directions due to a tree falling on the carriageway.

The salt spreaders of Anas and the Province are in action everywhere to make the asphalt less slippery.

And again: in Fonni, Gavoi and Ollolai and in many neighboring countries, the telephone lines went down , due to a breakdown that occurred in the electrical substations, which also resulted in blackouts, with consequent heavy inconvenience for the population.

On the Provincial 43 Macomer-Santulussurgiu, however, the firefighters intervened to remove some unsafe trees that risked collapsing on the roadway due to the weight of the snow.

Northern Sardinia has also been whitewashed, between Goceano, Monte Acuto and Gallura. The difficulty in moving has led the mayors of Pattada, Buddusò and Alà dei Sardi (Sassari) to close the schools.

Tilted traffic on the Campeda plateau due to icy roads. Discomfort and bad weather also in Nughedu San Nicolò and in other areas of competence of the Province of Sassari , which intervened with salt spreaders to facilitate traffic throughout the territory.

Peak temperatures also in the Cagliari area, with flakes falling on many villages in the hinterland, such as Burcei ( VIDEO ).


(Unioneonline / lf)


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