There are the reassurances, the salamelecchi of the Palace, the cheap propaganda, but then there are the facts. Written, engraved in the indelible paper of an amendment that disavows the fake moratorium of a month ago and takes the perverse path of the "transitional", even more ambiguous and equivocal. On the day of Saccargia, in the first dress rehearsal of a "Pratobello against speculation", the tsunami of a document arrives which plunges Sardinia back into "no man's land", where the Region "decides not to decide", committing itself to sharing the future planning of his land with the same state that would like to "plunder" it with wind turbines and solar panels. In the land of Logudoro, the Sardinians who want to react will arrive from late morning today, from every corner of the island, from Sulcis, Marmilla, Planargia, Campidano, Gallura, Barbagia and beyond.

The Sardinians who react

There will be Sardinians who want to scream their anger against the foreign invasion, that of multinationals and fixers, of potentates and lobbies. They will arrive on the stage of Saccargia to raise the awareness of a people who see their environment, their history, their unique and exclusive landscape increasingly besieged every day. To put it in the words of a statesman, the Special Superintendent of Cultural Heritage of the Pnrr, they will protest against the risk of transforming the Sardinian landscape into an "industrial landscape". In that clearing around the most famous Abbey on the island they will have a clear idea of the enemy: that devastating plan to spread the land of Sardinia with 2,500 wind turbines on land, 1,200 at sea and 70,000 hectares of photovoltaic panels. If the enemy to be fought is clear, the documents will define accomplices, base supporters and silent speculators hidden, perhaps, behind their residence in Sardinia. Certainly, on a day like this, it will be difficult to ignore that amendment that the regional council tabled in the Sardinian assembly, just on the eve of Saccargia. A three-page text that radically modifies the text of the bill presented by the executive on April 28th on a fake moratorium, miserably capitulated by Viale Trento's own admission, seat of the Presidency of the Region. An amendment presented a few hours before the meeting with the same "Committees against energy speculation", meaning that everything had already been decided on the topic, that the dialogue would have been essentially useless, a "pro forma" to declare an intent in favor of the camera "convivial" which ultimately proved to be a diversion from what was deposited in the morning in the Regional Council. And it is that text that reveals the "Saccargia slap". In an amendment that follows the line of "not deciding", of "postponing", of "delegating" everything to the State, a rule emerges that leaves no room for doubt: the disfigurement of Saccargia, planned by the Erg oilmen, desired and approved explicitly by the Draghi Government, can be accomplished. The Regional Council writes it without hesitation in article 2, paragraph 3, letter «b» of the amendment: «revamping interventions of electricity production plants from renewable sources are excluded from the safeguard measures». As if they didn't know that the devastation of Saccargia comes from a "revamping" of the plant that belonged to Matteo Messina Denaro's friend, the electrician from Alcamo, Vito Nicastri. The current owners of that plant, the gentlemen of Erg, an oil group in love with Sardinian wind energy, in fact, to earn more and more, have asked to knock down those 51 76 meter wind turbines to place another "forest" of “steel skyscrapers”, this time with latest generation wind turbines 200 meters high each, all blades to be made to soar beyond belief in the proscenium of the land of the nuraghi and the Abbey of Saccargia. According to the regional council, that massacre can continue. To this, however, is added the heart of the Regional Council's amendment, namely "not deciding", "postponing", further pursuing a "transitional regime" which constitutes the fundamental humus of energy speculation on the island. It is no coincidence that the amendment has an eloquent incipit : " waiting" for the approval of the regional law identifying suitable areas ". In practice, with this "wait-and-see" step, the very value of the asset to be protected is debased on a legal and substantial level. How is it possible to pretend to protect an asset only "temporarily" and not definitively? It is clear, for example, that the Colosseum cannot be protected "provisionally" for 18 months while waiting for the "suitable areas" of the Lazio Region. The Colosseum, in fact, is perpetually protected. Why, however, are the 7,000 nuraghi on the island not entitled to permanent protection, as are the agricultural areas, mountains, hills and Sardinian landscapes? Not using the "urban planning law" to plan the territory, as the Council continues to do, means giving up the only legal window that exists to make the Region's power prevail in the "Government of the Territory".

Harmful road

Blocking the now imminent wind and photovoltaic invasion of the Island, with "the updating, adaptation and completion of the landscape plan", as written in the amendment, is not only unrealistic, but risks even being harmful. Retracing the "PPR" path to block energy speculation is a waste of time, given that the State has already said that renewable energies are "prevalent" compared to landscape protection. The competence for the landscape planning of Sardinia has already been "stolen" from the power of the Region with an infamous act of 19 February 2007, fully taken up in one of the key sentences of the Constitutional Court. The Court of Laws is explicit: the protocol signed by the Region with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage is binding for the revision and expansion of the landscape plan. In that document referred to by the Court it is explicitly written: « the President of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities have stipulated a memorandum of understanding and have undertaken to jointly provide for the verification and adaptation periodical of regional landscape planning ". With the amendment presented by the Council, therefore, it is decided to share the landscape planning of Sardinia with a State that has already decided to let the "supremacy" of energy speculation prevail. The game is done. Today is the day of the revolt.

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