After the partial annulment of the appeal sentence by the Supreme Court of Cassation, today a different college of the Cagliari Court of Appeal has redetermined the sentence of the former mayor of Portoscuso Adriano Puddu in 4 years.

He was accused of demanding sexual favors in exchange for assisting women assisted by the social services of his municipality. In the first and second degree, the former administrator had been sentenced to six years and 4 months in prison, but the Supreme Court had dropped the most serious of the allegations of sexual violence, postponing the documents to Cagliari to redetermine the sentence.

Adriano Puddu - defended by the lawyers Giuseppe Andreozzi and Ivano Iai - was left with the accusations of undue induction to give or promise benefits (the former sexual extortion) for the favors obtained by young women in exchange for economic aid, but also the hypothesis of electoral corruption.

Today the Deputy Attorney General Giancarlo Moi asked for a sentence of five and a half years, but the Court of Appeal presided over by Massimo Poddighe has definitively imposed 4 years, a penalty that will allow the lawyers to ask for alternative measures so as not to go to jail. assisted them.

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