A tobacco shop in Sestu and its owner, Yanet Sanchez, 45 years old, have now become the target of thieves who have burgled it three times, taking away goods worth almost 50 thousand euros.

Always with photocopy thefts, the latest this night, just 9 days after the previous one.

In all three cases, the criminals would have entered through the windows of the bar attached to the tobacconist.

Despite two complaints already presented and the third which will be formalized in the next few hours, the woman and her business now seem to be victims of a real persecution that seems to have no respite.

L’ingresso della tabaccheria di via Roma
L’ingresso della tabaccheria di via Roma
L’ingresso della tabaccheria di via Roma

The first time the thieves (one was apparently glimpsed by the cameras) went into action on April 12th, just before midnight.

According to the complaint filed in the local Carabinieri barracks, the one immortalized in the video would have entered through an armored window of the bar, left open.

Once on the premises of the business, the criminal would have forced the entrance to the tobacconist, and then removed cigarettes, lighters, tobacco and electronic cigarettes for a total value of 32 thousand euros.

On May 10th there was the second raid, 41 minutes after midnight: this time two thieves, hooded so that their faces could be filmed by cameras, entered through another window of the bar overlooking the church square.

Between cash, lighters, cigarettes and so on, they had taken away just under 8 thousand euros. Tonight the third shot, almost a photocopy of the others. One of the armored windows of the bar in Piazza Giovanni XXIII appears to have been forced from the outside: once inside the thief (or thieves) immediately headed towards the tobacconist, jumping over the counter and taking away all the cigarettes that were on display.

Then they searched and ransacked the small corridor that houses the tobacco shop. Finally they fled and vanished into thin air, as has been happening for about a month and a half now. «I am very worried», Yanet Sanchez said, through her lawyer, on the occasion of the second theft, «about the enormous damage suffered due to these thefts, carried out in the same way. They have seriously damaged the business which is my only source of income. I remain confident in a rapid intervention by the police who have been provided with useful elements for the investigations and I hope for their more incisive presence in the control of the territory".

Despite the complaints, the videos with images of the thieves and the constant requests for help, the thefts continued and last night there was the third. Only in the next few hours will the amount of goods taken away be known.

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