In Alghero, the majority split over the security agenda presented by the Brothers of Italy and thus also skipped the last session of the City Council convened at the civic theater. "And it's the second time this has happened in a very short time," they comment from the benches of the centre-left minority.

«After the mess of the last City Council a month ago - recall the groups Per Alghero, Futuro Comune, Sinistra in Comune, Pd and Movimento 5 Stelle - when the majority split on the agenda on the airport passed only thanks to votes of the minority, the rerun was staged in the theater hall. The majority was shattered on the choice to discuss an agenda on the security problem in the city".

Mimmo Pirisi of the Pd, meanwhile, points out that there were other important points to discuss, concerning the Pnnr funds and the automatic cancellation of debts of a residual amount up to one thousand euros, an intervention envisaged by the national finance, «but which to be feasible, it needs the council's approval by March ».

"All of this - concludes Pirisi - we believe should have an end either with a recomposition of the majority or with a definitive dissolution of the municipal council".

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