There is also the accusation of attempted murder among those aimed at the Sconvolts group that ended up at the center of the maxi investigation of the Cagliari Digos coordinated by the Cagliari anti-terrorism district directorate.

One of the most violent raids in particular, namely the assault on buses with the ultra Brescians , on 26 August 2019 on the state road 131 at Sardara. The goal, according to the investigators, was "to cause the death of the opposing fans".

That night, after the police patrols shortly before one o'clock interrupted the escort of the two buses, at least twenty stones and pieces of granite were thrown towards the two means of transport from an elevated point or in the opposite lane. One broke through the windshield and brushed the driver's face .

"By pure chance - writes the investigating judge in the order - the driver was not hit, an eventuality from which easily imaginable consequences could have arisen for his safety and that of the passengers ".


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