Common sickness is not half joy if health is involved. SVIMEZ (acronym for Association for the Development of Industry in MEZzogiorno) has drawn a disheartening picture by reworking the data just provided by the Ministry of Education . In Italy, one out of two students , from elementary to high school, has no gym .

A little surprisingly, Sardinia still does better than average as regards primary school sports facilities , which depend on the Municipalities: sixth position, even if the percentage of students without a gym is very high, 51.23%. Little consolation, the southern regions are disastrous: in Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily four out of five pupils (81-83%) cannot do indoor physical activity.

An alarming fact that must be connected to that of Uisp: one in three children in the Center-South is overweight. Also because nowadays in the cities it is more and more rarely played in the courtyards or on the street .

The situation is more serious in the systems of secondary schools , which depends on the provinces: Sardinia is ninth among the Italian regions with almost 48% of students without a gym.

To get an idea of the virtuous regions, in Liguria only 22%, one in five students, cannot do indoor sports.

Gaps that can only be partially filled with the projects approved under the PNRR.

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