Even in Cagliari the school world strike took place today with a demonstration in front of the regional headquarters in viale Trento. Flags, choirs and banners to ask for more attention to the sector.

Present school collaborators, professors and teachers, the adhesion of Sardinian schools - with school leaders forced to jump through hoops between late and early admissions and "hole hours" due to the absence of teachers - was high.

At the base of the protest, called by the initials Flc Cgil, Cisl Scuola, Uil Scuola Rua, Snals Confsal and Gilda Unams , the contents of decree law 36 on measures for the implementation of the NRP aimed at schools and universities.

In Sardinia, the unions have raised the alarm for early school leaving, "which in some cases even exceeds the last recorded regional average, that of 36%, certainly exacerbated by the long phase of the pandemic".

"One of the most serious problems - explains Emanuele Usai, Flc Cgil - is that of sizing : in Sardinia 25 school autonomies are at risk. Linked to this issue are also the phenomenon of early school leaving and that of staff. And then in Sardinia it is a lot There is a strong problem of support : requests are increasing, schools are struggling to keep up with the needs of students and families ". Great protagonist "the chronic shortage of staff (just think of the problem of support that would require 9000 teachers compared to a commitment of about half) and the effects that the announced cut of 15 thousand workers throughout Italy could have".

But the abbreviations also speak of "total disengagement of the regional council and its councilor from the issues of the right to education and the overall quality of the education system in Sardinia".

For Flc Cgil, Cisl Scuola, Uil Scuola Rua, Snals Confsal and Gilda Unams, the dispute concerns "the further attempt to strengthen the business model of the school, plundering the very few resources destined to direct them towards purposes lowered from above, for example, the establishment of the Higher Education Training School with managers and officials financed through funds currently allocated to school teachers ". According to the trade unions "the measures of the decree would lead to a very serious worsening of the school system, with repercussions for all staff and for the students themselves".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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