Christmas arrives for everyone, with the smiles that the end-of-year festivities instill even in less joyful souls. For many precarious school workers it will be a sad Christmas. The case is national and concerns thousands of teachers with the position of substitute teacher on the chair set aside for the winners of the extraordinary bis competition of the school. In Sardinia the risk is strong for most of the 395 temporary workers who did not take the competition. In these days, according to the temporary workers, the competition procedures are being completed "with considerable delay". "The regional school office seems willing to introduce the winning teachers of the bis competition three months after the start of the school year," says Francesco Pes, a "substitute" teacher on a chair set aside just for the winners of the competition. «This will result in the dismissal of all substitute teachers who up to now have guaranteed the continuity of the chairs set aside and damage, in terms of discontinuity of the educational path, for all the students involved. A damage that could be avoided if the regional school offices, which can give themselves ad hoc rules regarding the timing of insertion management, opted for a different and more balanced strategy in respect of all the parties involved ».


Francesco Feliziani, director of the regional school office , points out the key aspect of the whole affair: «I understand the precarious workers who lose their teaching post on a fixed-term basis: it is certainly not a pleasant situation. But they knew from the beginning that, with the entry of the winners of the encore competition, they would have to leave their position » , explains the manager. "Among other things, at the time of acceptance of the fixed-term contract, they signed the termination clause according to which they would have to give up the chair upon the arrival of the winners of the competition for that specific teaching subject". Therefore, those who did not take the encore competition will soon return to hoping for the school rankings to be able to teach. And those who, on a precarious basis, had accepted the chair but at the same time had won the competition, could theoretically stay where they are, especially if they occupy an annual chair. «I'll give you an example: if a teacher who, as a precarious worker, was teaching at Martini but, as a competition winner, is assigned to Pacinotti, if he decides, also for didactic continuity, to finish the school year at Martini, he can do so. Likewise a teacher from Cagliari, assigned as a precarious temporary worker in a school in Carloforte, but who as winner of the competition is destined for an institution in the capital, can choose to return. Of course, there are some aspects that can be discussed, but even on our institutional site the rules had been clearly specified from the beginning" .


The union, in particular the Flc CGIL, is closely following the case raised by the precarious workers. Francesca D'Agostino, territorial manager of Cagliari for the school , reports that, on the matter, the Federation of Knowledge Workers had already intervened in September: «The case is national, not just Sardinian. And for those who have not taken the competition, precisely due to the presence of a clause that terminates the contract upon the arrival of the person entitled to it, the only hope can be to rely, between now and the end of the year, on the rankings of the various institutes » , argues the trade unionist. In this way «didactic continuity is totally neglected to the detriment of the educational offer for the pupils. However, we would like to underline the cumbersomeness of the bankruptcy procedure which, for years now, seems to want to condemn precarious workers to a situation of continuous uncertainty".

At the national level, parliamentary questions are about to be presented: a solution, however, seems destined to remain hanging by a thread.

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