The truce did not last long: the countryside of Sassari is still used as a public landfill by the usual uncivilized and rude, who defy hefty fines and tighter controls.

An emblematic case in the hamlet of the capital called "La Landrigga" , in the state road 291, between km 8 and km 10, in the locality of "La Busazza".

Any type of waste has been abandoned in the parking areas: from organic residues to wood, from plastic to exhausted oils, from glass to residues of thermal coats.

A very serious situation that worsens day by day and that is becoming dangerous for the inhabitants of the village, now exasperated.

"We understand the delicate period of the season where it is more difficult to control - say several residents of the township - But the institutions have a duty to intervene as soon as possible and heal this situation, which is unsustainable and unacceptable for us inhabitants and does not even represent a good ticket. for tourist visits to the area ".

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