Increasingly critical situation in the historic center of Sassari . Apart from drug dealing, a now well-known phenomenon, the number of thefts, whether attempted, successful or foiled, is on the rise. And in recent days there have been various gestures in this sense, such as the break-in into a non-EU shop, then into a business that sells flowers, or into a place in via Luzzatti .

Right here, last night, armed with a crowbar, the unknown thieves or thieves entered the spaces dedicated to cosmetics, damaging the tempered glass and, it would seem, stealing some makeup.

" Now they do it all the time - reports a witness - only last week they used the same technique in two other businesses near Corte Santa Maria". And again this morning, a person wore several sweatshirts from a sporting goods store in Piazza Azuni, trying to escape but was immediately stopped by an employee .

"The young man who tried to steal called his mother saying that they had caught him - reports a person who witnessed the scene - Then he was let go, before the police arrived, because he was having a crisis of withdrawal."

"We need to let people know what is happening - says the owner of a business in Corso Vittorio Emanuele - thefts are now the order of the day ."

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