Three fights in via San Donato, in Sassari, during a single night . "Just more - reports a resident - than the daily average." Between Saturday and Sunday the escalation of punches and kicks was caused by a single reason: drug dealing.

It is a well-known fact that the sale of drugs dominates in the lower part of Corso Vittorio Emanuele , a social alarm that has caused raids by the police in recent months, especially after the shooting in October 2023.

"But now it's worse than before, much worse - say the inhabitants of the neighboring streets - Now they threaten us and act like masters".

Under the protection of anonymity, those who live in the area complain that the can is full. "We no longer live or sleep - they explain - they go on all day screaming, dealing, prostitution."

Following the shooting seven months ago, which occurred a stone's throw from the San Donato school, the community gathered in a torchlight procession for legality. Also creating a small square in front of the institute, embellished with plants on which, just two days ago, vandals were furious, tearing up flowers and roots and sprinkling the entire perimeter with earth and waste . "You just have to take a look around to realize that that initiative hasn't changed anything."

The area is described as a free zone where pushers feel free to act undisturbed . "Not to mention the feces and urine they leave everywhere, even in the middle of the street."

A borderline situation that leads even historic residents to think of giving up. «Despite having paid the mortgage - declares a resident - we are ready to leave. It's absurd but we will have to rent a house by walling up the entrance to the one we have in the historic center."

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