One hundred and one women registered in the Sassari emergency room as victims of violence, practically ten per month . The data emerges from the balance sheet for the first 10 months of 2023 and was communicated this afternoon during the conference on the "Pink Code" , promoted by the Aou and held in the Aula Magna of the university.

"Out of the total number of 101 women - explains the medical director of the emergency room Laura Piras - 46 had the indicator of gender violence , 55 for violence by others". And a further specification opens on this last figure. "44% - continues the doctor - accessed the emergency room due to violence in the family, 12% in the workplace and the remainder for unspecified reasons ."

Through the "pink path", approved with a resolution in July, the university-hospital company has structured a protocol that accompanies the victim, from triage to taking charge to arrival in the "pink room". "The woman is given a yellow code, or higher, and the contribution of the nurses is fundamental because they must detect any sign of possible violence even if it is not defined or described by the victim ." Also a way to avoid second thoughts and abandonments. "In fact, often - explains hospital psychologist Stefania Casula - women feel guilty about their situation." Before resigning, they are then provided with psychological support to deal with the emotional earthquake that afflicts them.

And the victims can sometimes be the doctors themselves, as reported in the conference moderated by Professor Alessandra Nivoli and Doctor Fabrizio Demaria. «I was persecuted by a stalker - reports the medical director Fulvia Ferrari - a psychiatric patient. One feels alone in these cases despite the reports made to the police. And maybe we have to feel, as happened to me, that it was the price to pay for my beauty ." An unfortunate phrase that denounces the lack of empathy of those who do not understand the plight of the victims.

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