Situation of grave danger, especially for children, in the playground in via Bottego , in the Latte Dolce district of Sassari. The large iron gate that borders the park, which is frequented by numerous families, is about to collapse as well as being in precarious conditions.

In fact, just yesterday, several parents, to avoid the worst, placed several strips and pieces of wire between the railings, to keep the gate together in some way.

An obviously temporary solution that can solve the problem only for a few days. "At this point, for safety reasons it would be better if the Municipality made the park unusable - says Danilo Farina, of the Latte Dolce and Santa Maria di Pisa district committee -. At least no one enters and dangerous situations are removed, especially for the little ones. . The situation of the gate and of the park in general, with its games almost all to be maintained, has been reported several times without success. An intervention on the gate in any case can no longer be postponed ".

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