Now it's official: away from the stands from via Mazzini, while in via Duomo, where the maximum capacity will be reduced to six thousand people, it will be possible to access via the Arst station. Less than a month before Carnival, the Sartiglia of novelties takes shape. The Committee for Public Order and Security, chaired by the Prefect Salvatore Angieri, served to give an official answer to the questions that have animated the city debate in recent weeks.

First of all, the question of Piazza Manno, the traditional place of passage of the parade of horses and riders and the starting point of the race to the star, which is now an open construction site. «The creation of a central gate for access to the procession has been confirmed - confirms the technical manager of the Sartiglia Foundation Cristian Licheri - once on the track, the entrance will be cordoned off».

To compensate for the inconvenience resulting from the closure of the square, in addition to the traditional gates there will be one in via Episcopio. «The Arst station will remain open to allow the public to access via Duomo from via Cagliari - continues Licheri - a corridor will be created at the level of the bookshop for crossing the runway». The maximum capacity on the route of the race to the star will be reduced by two thousand people: from 8 thousand in previous years to 6 thousand counted by the sensors at the gates.

On the Via Mazzini front, the choice not to position the 8 stands which for years had welcomed around a thousand spectators was confirmed. «For the Corsa delle Pariglie in 2024 there is therefore a return to the past, when Oristano residents and tourists could freely attend the event - the Municipality says - The decision, which for 2024 has an experimental nature, on the one hand allows us to return to the ancient spirit of the people's celebration, on the other hand it allows us to take into consideration the observations of commercial operators who have always complained about the strong limitation to their respective activities due to the prolonged presence of the stands".

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