Mysterious wound late yesterday evening in Sant'Antioco , where a worker was shot twice.

The man, Renato Antonio Cara, is not in danger of life . Shortly after 11pm, a request for help arrived at the 118 operations center in a suburban area.

The dynamics are unclear. It seems that someone in the dark has been waiting for the arrival of the man. Then he would have exploded a few shots, two of which wounded Cara in the leg.

However, the worker managed to ask for help and after a few minutes the carabinieri from the Sant'Antioco station and the soldiers from the Carbonia Company Radiomobile Unit arrived. The 118 doctors also intervened and after the first treatments accompanied the man to the Sirai hospital.

After the wounding , investigations began to shed light on the matter . Throughout the night, the police were engaged in a manhunt with checkpoints to identify the person responsible.

Today Cara will be heard by the carabinieri.

Francesco Pintore

Fabio Murru

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