The spending program of resources from the Pnrr proceeds in Sant'Antioco. In particular, the final-executive project was approved for the redevelopment of the former Monte Cresia game room, a structure that had not been used for years and was also subject to acts of vandalism. Thanks to the 550 thousand Pnrr funds awarded by the Municipality, it will be able to be reconverted and dedicated to childcare services with the creation of a modern and functional nursery school (the tender for the execution of the works will be announced in the next few days).

«We are seizing all the opportunities offered by the Pnrr - says the mayor Ignazio Locci - with this intervention we will be able to recover a structure which, although relatively young, has lost its function over the years. With the available funds we are able to carry out an intervention that will allow us to turn it into a nursery school with the creation of thirty new places, a big helping hand for the families of our community. Once again, despite the difficulties, the municipal structure has found itself prepared and ready to take advantage of this opportunity offered by the Pnrr".

«The property - adds the councilor for Public Works, Francesco Garau - is in a good state of conservation but needs a series of works with which we will completely restore it. 30 new posts are expected to be created, in compliance with all regulatory standards. The children will also be able to take advantage of a rather large outdoor area to be exploited in good weather, as well as, of course, the redeveloped internal spaces and specifically dedicated to activities such as lunch and rest, toilets, playroom, teaching and psychomotor skills».


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