Overlapping stones, like a Zen garden. Beautiful to look at, according to some. But if placed in the environment from the delicate balance of "Su stampu 'e su turnu" in Sadali they become a scar.

To bring out the very mystical but not very civil act a stone's throw in the paradise of water and stone of the Barbagian country are those who bring tourists to us: the members of the cooperative "The three fairies", which organizes excursions in the area.

"'Leave the place as you found it.' How many times have we read this sentence in public places or naturalistic sites? The same concept must apply to all those who decide to visit Sadali», reads the official page, with accompanying photos.

«Unfortunately, we are now used to collecting garbage in the wood of the caves. Unfortunately, we are also used to seeing the fascinating juniper trunk (located right in front of the "Su Stampu de su turnu" waterfall) moved several times".

For the guides it is necessary and dutiful to remember that the "Su stampu 'e su turnu" waterfall «is a natural monument declared as such by the Region in 1989 and is located in a Sic area (Site of Community Interest), therefore move branches, trunks and stones for any reason. Much less to make the photos taken with a smartphone or professional camera more spectacular».

Furthermore, even if aesthetically pleasing, for the same reason «the so-called "Zen gardens" cannot be created especially at the point where the dripping takes place, both because the natural fall of the drop is interrupted and because those balanced stones do not belong to that place , which has been the case for millions of years."


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