The conditions of Natale Canu , the 73-year-old owner of the Porto Frailis parapharmacy , in Tortolì , are good and stable . He was shot in the arm by two criminals yesterday afternoon during a robbery in his business .

The man is now hospitalized in the Surgery department of the Lanusei hospital , where he is kept under observation by the doctors who are evaluating a possible surgery .

Only for one case, however, the robbery did not end in tragedy: the man was in fact shot in the left arm a few centimeters from the heart .

THE INVESTIGATIONS – The agents of the Tortolì police station, coordinated by the manager Fabrizio Figliola, have found a shell casing and a bullet inside the parapharmacy, useful elements to trace the pistol used in the robbery. We still don't know the amount of the loot taken from the cash register by the two armed and masked criminals who, after a scuffle with the owner inside the business, fired a gunshot and finally fled on foot.

The investigations continue with checkpoints and interrogations and with the acquisition of some cameras in the area: the parapharmacy was not equipped with video surveillance systems.

Precious for the investigation, the reconstruction of the victim : the man can only be heard by the military in a few days.


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