Alessandra Todde, vice president of the 5 Star Movement, launches the challenge towards the 2024 regional elections, with a meeting in Santu Lussurgiu between Est Ora and centre-left associations and parties: «I can only express great satisfaction for the success of today's initiative», she says, «where over 300 people from all over Sardinia met to discuss the future, work, innovation, young people, women, the environment, development and revitalization of the island».

Thank everyone, from groups to administrators, and even "those who drove hours in the sun to be present". Then a few words on the choice of place: " Let's start from here, from an emblematic and not accidental place, Montiferru, hit two years ago by the fire disaster, collecting the testimonies of those who live in the area ".

And it is from this territory that Todde wants to start again, to build what he defines as "a participatory process, to start building a 'big' project united and head-on, because only ambition can get us out of the logic of visual navigation that has characterized Sardinian politics in recent years ".

But a few hours after the confrontation, the first controversies arise. They come from the Sardinian separatists, who claim the name used : "We learn in the press", these are the words, "that today an event took place, in the municipality of Santulussurgiu, with the vice president of the 5 Star Movement Alessandra Todde, which would seem to have been organized, as per the poster, by an unspecified Est ora association, created to support the possible candidacy proposal of the Hon. Todde to the presidency of the Sardinia Region. IRS, ProgReS and Torra! intend to inform that in May 2021 the three pro-independence organizations publicly presented with a press conference, held in the Zuradili park, the beginning of a dialogue process between iRS ProgReS and Torra! which was precisely called Est Ora ».

An incompatibility which, according to them, should be remedied: «We invite you», they said addressing the vice president, « to abandon the undue use of the name Est Ora, since it is the object of pre-use by our organizations . Should the use of the name continue, the legal representatives of the political organizations iRS ProgReS and Torra ", they conclude, " will undertake the legal actions necessary to protect the name and identity of their political project against those who will be identified as promoters of this illicit initiative, which causes confusion among the electorate and damage to political subjects who have invested resources and visibility on that name ".


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