Great success for the "Health Walk" . This morning in Iglesias over 400 people took part in the event organized by the "Consulta degli elenium" and the association "Diabete Sulcis Iglesiente".

Before departure, volunteer doctors and nurses performed blood glucose tests on 200 participants: "Because the goal of the initiative has very specific purposes, to raise public awareness of the importance of physical activity - explains the president of the "Sardinian Diabetes Network" Riccardo Trentin - and in parallel start a project with the municipal administration aimed at creating city paths for the practice of sporting activity ".

Itineraries that would have a double value: "That of psychophysical well-being, but also historical and monumental - explains Trentin - Because the paths can be identified within the historic center".

The "Health Walk" took place after a 3-year stop imposed by the pandemic situation: <It was an excellent restart in terms of the number of participants - considers Trentin - It's time to leave>.

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