“They had imposed a criminal lordship over the territory. After a long series of attacks, anyone who could try to collaborate with the forces of order was immediately targeted and made the object of homicidal intentions". They were ready to kill the affiliates of the neo-fascist group active in Baronia, dismantled this morning by an operation by the Carabinieri del Ros, coordinated by the Cagliari prosecutor's office ( here the news ).

This morning at a press conference in Cagliari, Giorgio Mazzoli, regional commander of the Arma's special operations department, revealed the disturbing background to the "Election" investigation.

At the head of the terrorist group, which with the aim of reconstituting the fascist party acted under the label of the Sardinian Legionary Front, was Ananio Manca, from Torpè, with a long criminal career behind him.

«He became radicalized during his detention», explained Rosi, «after he was released he undertook to organize a rigidly fascist model. There was also a rapprochement with already active neo-fascist movements, "but it was dismissed because it was considered too extremist".


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