Dark at night. And 24-hour danger near the slides into the sea. The controversy over Marina Piccola reaches the municipal council in Cagliari through a question from the leader of the Democratic Party, Fabrizio Marcello.

“No danger signs. In fact, those that were there several years ago thought well of removing them», accuses the exponent of the minority. Talk about the concrete ramps used to launch boats into the sea. With seaweed and sand they become slippery. «Passers-by, tourists, the elderly and children, unaware that those two small stretches are a trap, given by the natural formation of algae, pass by and then arrive at the most unpleasant epilogue», says Marcello, « the ruinous falls on the concrete are agenda and sometimes the screams of the bathers are not enough anymore
experts to report the danger. It is almost always the elderly who pay the price, who do not have the same quickness and reflexes as children. Broken heads, trauma to the spine, broken femur and a lot of bitterness for something that could be avoided with simple signs ». And the exponent of the Democratic Party knows it, given that he also works in the hospital. And that's where the wounded come in.

But the problems in that area close to the sea are not finished. «The stretch of road that goes from the unpaved car parks to the marina is in the dark, with all the consequent dangers for pedestrians», Marcello accuses again, «there is a lot of talk about the waterfront and its beauties, then they leave a "historic" stretch in dire conditions."


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