A theatrical performance, a video documentary and a photographic book: on Saturday the CineTeatroAstra in Sassari hosts "LiberaMente a teatro" (free admission) at 7.30 pm, which presents the project started ten years ago by the brothers Alessandro and Vittorio Gazale.

The activity involved around 50 young people who had access, both inside and outside the Prison of Sassari, to various forms of work, with initiatives carried out in collaboration with local organizations and associations, such as the parks of Asinara and Porto With you. Several publications, videos, memory observatories have been made.

The theatrical representation tells the work carried out by a handful of prisoners in the archive deposits present in the old prisons of San Sebastiano. Documents released from oblivion that have made it possible to revive many moments of daily life.

On stage the young actors of the Civic School of Sassari, some surprise guests and three boys under the Article 21 regime in a sort of role reversal. The script was entirely written by the boys held in the theater workshops. The direction is by Alessandro Gazale.

The introductory greetings of the evening were entrusted to Ilenia Trofa, head of the educational area of the Bancali prison, and Marina Maruzzi, president of the Bancali volunteers' association “Oltre i mura” which promoted Saturday's event.

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