Twist in Oristano where the mayor Massimiliano Sanna revoked the powers of the councilors, effectively eliminating the City Council.

«After a careful and thoughtful analysis of the political situation that has arisen in recent months, with a sense of responsibility I feel obliged to make a strong, painful, but necessary decision with the intention of unblocking the political crisis which unfortunately is creating serious repercussions on the management and government of the city – explains Sanna -. Among the various solutions that I have considered, for the moment, I deem it appropriate to proceed with a zeroing of the executive by opening a comparison with all the living and active parts of the city and with the political components present in the Council who want to share the objective of common good and growth in all areas of our Oristano".

"It is clear - he adds - that this situation, certainly not desired by myself and by almost all of the municipal councilors, has arrived after a period of immobility which has not allowed me to work serenely and above all to carry out the necessary initiatives for the city . The projects of the PNRR, the administrative fulfilments, the development and growth strategies, the opportunities offered by Regional, National and European funding, push me to act promptly to find solutions of stability, opportunities and concreteness. We don't have time to waste, if the political conditions are right, a change of course is needed immediately and the attention shifted from partisan needs to those of the city".

“We have all been chosen by the voters to govern with responsibility, consistency and commitment – concludes the mayor -. I hope to find an understanding and convergence on these objectives which have always been the foundation of my political work and I hope for a renewed cohesive, strong government with great understandings and one that works best with our Oristano as one and only purpose. I thank those who have worked with commitment and dedication up to now, fulfilling the assigned tasks».


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