The university students who went through Cagliari this morning to ask for certainty about accommodation and scholarships arrived at Villa Devoto to protest with whistles and slogans. Last night the Region appointed the new Ersu Board of Directors , but the decision did not stop the march of dozens of students who invaded via Roma, stopping under the Regional Council.

The president of the Region Christian Solinas is especially targeted by the choirs and university placards. "True - explain the young people in the procession - now there is the Board of Directors, but we are very late on the funds of the NRP and we are not sure about housing and beneficiaries".

At the head of the procession a banner with the words "Without scholarship, without home, without canteen". With an invitation to Solinas to take care of the students as quickly as possible . Another claim: "We are hungry for rights".

This morning with the students also the deputy Pd Andrea Frailis and many members of the opposition in the regional and municipal council.

SOLINAS'S ANSWER - "The Region confirms, and indeed increases , its financial commitment to support deserving students in their studies. We continue to invest in the training of young people, and we increase the funds allocated to those entitled", the words of the president of the Christian Solinas Region.

“Taking into account the variation on an annual basis in the general index of consumer prices for families of workers and employees - the specification - the Region has updated the maximum limits of the ISEE indicators on the basis of the circular of the Ministry of the University. The amounts of the scholarships for the academic year 2022/2023, according to the type of students, have been defined at 6,157 euros for the off-site student , 3,598 euros for the commuter student , 2,481 for the on-site student . The scholarship, net of any reductions for the catering and accommodation service, is paid in two installments . The first installment equal to 50% of the total within 60 days from the publication of the final rankings and in any case no later than 31 December. The second installment by 30 June for students enrolled in years subsequent to the first and upon reaching the minimum levels of merit required ".

"The Board - continues Solinas - confirms its commitment to guarantee university students the scholarship, allocating 13.6 million regional and national resources for the calls to be published by the ERSU for the academic year 2022/2023 in addition to the others sources of funding for the scholarships. The appointment of ERSU top management allows for full operation. The calls will be published shortly ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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