Gennargentu as a place of union and meeting. And, around Punta La Marmora, last September 16th, equestrian tourism enthusiasts met for the 1st meeting "The Mountain that unites", promoted by the Taloro equestrian centers of Fonni and Monte Idolo of Arzana.

All with the coordination of the trade federation, Fitetrec, which has organized multiple rallies throughout Italy for the date. For the Island, the idea of choosing its summit is not a coincidence but part of a larger project. Which aims to unite the various acronyms, seizing the countless opportunities of horse tourism.

Over thirty participants, also in the presence of the associations: Pegaso of Sassari-Tergu, Equestrian Sports Group of Mamoiada, Asd Cavalieri del Gennargentu of Desulo, Asd Pirincanes of Arzana.

There are three starting points: Bruncuspina in Fonni, on Filariu in Desulo and the side of the Ruinas nuraghe in Arzana. From here, the groups reached the summit, where they met around 11.30 am, before returning to “Su Filariu” at 1.30 pm for a convivial party.

The promoters are satisfied: «Much more than a simple walk – explains Mario Cadau of the Taloro Equestrian Center, Fitetrec regional president – for years a similar event has taken place at high altitude, where the Gennargentu villages meet on foot . We thought we'd replicate it on horseback, willing to create synergy in our sector ."

And in fact the aim is to work as a team: «We aim for a regional calendar - continues Cadau - which sees various events take place across the island. This from the past few days is intended to be a forerunner."

His colleague Mariolino Loddo, from the Monte Idolo Equestrian Center, echoes him: «In our structure we train many young people and we are returning from success at the national and European riding championships. We are also partly dedicated to equestrian tourism, with a niche, aiming to think about a broader discussion in the future. The initiative in Punta La Marmora is an opportunity to reflect on the potential that equestrian tourism offers us. We are working to create cohesion and broaden the network."

And the remaining associations present at the event also aim to collaborate with the island's Fitetrec.

«It was an honor to have been there – explains Alessandro Sale, of the Equestrian Sports Group of Mamoiada – since 2009 we have been involved with 30 members to carry on our great passion and hobby. Step by step we aim to grow further by creating synergy with all the other acronyms."

There are those who have travelled, even for more than three hours, in order not to miss it: «The alarm clock rang early but we are enthusiastic about the path we have traced – says Piero Lizzeri of Pegaso – we have been operating for decades in the North of the island, making people live tourists unique experiences between Platamona, Argentiera and from the mountains to the sea. The signs are excellent and the interest in our sector is growing."

Thus Andrea Doa, of the newly founded Asd Pirincanes of Arzana: «On October 14th we will have our first event. We are twelve motivated guys in love with our territory. All united by a passion for horses. We aim at equestrian tourism as a passion, thinking further about future steps."

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